Category: Leonard Cheshire

Leonard Cheshire Disability, the Living Wage and their charges

I just put in a complaint to Leonard Cheshire Disability (LCD). (Out of character, huh.) It is as follows: …”Inter alia, you explained that the home is having difficulty recruiting carers and that carers and good quality carers are not applying for our posts. I volunteered the opinion that whilst we are lucky in that…

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cartoon by Crippen

Mark Sanderson – ex-head of Quality Improvement at Leonard Cheshire Disability

Mark Sanderson has left. This is the guy who tweeted “It’s albinism not albinos, dummies” in response to a media article, after being appointed Head of Quality Improvement at Leonard Cheshire and whilst still working for Mencap. When I tweeted a challenge to him using the word “dummies” as a pejorative, he complained to his…

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The Voice of Disabled People?

Amongst the various other things that annoyed me about yesterday’s shameful treatment of disabled people courtesy of the Lords (et tu, Lib Dems?) was a vomit-inducing self-congratulatory homily by Lord Low, who spearheaded this (admittedly influential) report on the withdrawal of mobility allowance for people in residential care. Readers may remember that this nasty proposal…

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