Category: Transport accessibility

Bernina Express im Rollstuhl: Rhätische Bahn gibt dem Opfer die Schuld

Article in English Neulich gab es im Bernina Express keinen Rollstuhlplatz im Panoramawagen, obwohl ich den Rollstuhlplatz Monate im Voraus gebucht hatte. Die Rhätische Bahn, die den Service betreibt, hat mich nicht einmal vor meiner Ankunft gewarnt. tl;dw (Too Long, Didn’t Watch – zu lang, hab’s nicht angeschaut) – Da es eine Reise auf meiner…

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Bernina Express in a Wheelchair: Rhaetian Railway blame the victim

Artikel auf Deutsch On the Bernina Express recently, there was no wheelchair space in the panoramic coach despite my booking the wheelchair space months in advance. Rhaetian Railway, which runs the service, didn’t even warn me before I arrived. tl;dw (Too Long, Didn’t Watch) – This caused me great distress, as it was a bucket-list…

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Disabled rail travellers’ handling during Storm Dudley vs Storm Eunice

Back in 2022, Dominic Lund-Conlon / Rail Delivery Group instructed the rail industry to stop / cancel all disabled people’s booked assistance during Storm Eunice. – for trains that continued to run, and including an entire country (Scotland) that was not disrupted by the southerly track of the storm. (Nearly all train operating companies (TOCs)…

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